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Core: Introduction to Basic Construction Skills 6th Edition

Core: Introduction to Basic Construction Skills 6th Edition

Core: Introduction to Basic Construction Skills 6th Edition



NCCER Core: Introduction to Basic Construction Skills is the ideal resource for exploring a career in the construction industry. Designed, written and reviewed by industry experts, the program features a highly visual design and technical tips from leading professionals, as well as numerous review and assessment questions.

The 6th Edition features expanded coverage of math, construction drawings and the latest hand and power tools. Content has been reorganized to ensure a progressive understanding of concepts. New color-coded tabs help you quickly navigate to the information you’re looking for. And review questions and assessments help you stay on track throughout the course.

Delivery time Instant download
Format Original PDF
Size 38 MB
Year 2021
Pages 497
Language English
ISBN-10 0137483341, 0137483228
ISBN-13 9780137483341, 9780137483228, 9780137483358, 9780137483136, 9780137483259, 978-0137483341, 978-0137483228, 978-0137483358, 978-0137483136, 978-0137483259