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Mathematics of Shape Description: A Morphological Approach to Image Processing and Computer Graphics

Mathematics of Shape Description: A Morphological Approach to Image Processing and Computer Graphics

Mathematics of Shape Description: A Morphological Approach to Image Processing and Computer Graphics



1st Edition

by Pijush K. Ghosh (Author), Koichiro Deguchi (Author)

Image processing problems are often not well defined because realimages are contaminated with noise and other uncertain factors. InMathematics of Shape Description, the authors take amathematical approach to address these problems using themorphological and set-theoretic approach to image processing andcomputer graphics by presenting a simple shape model using twobasic shape operators called Minkowski addition and decomposition.

This book is ideal for professional researchers and engineers inInformation Processing, Image Measurement, Shape Description, ShapeRepresentation and Computer Graphics. Post-graduate and advancedundergraduate students in pure and applied mathematics, computersciences, robotics and engineering will also benefit from thisbook.

 Key Features

  • Explains the fundamental and advanced relationships betweenalgebraic system and shape description through the set-theoreticapproach
  • Promotes interaction of image processing geochronology andmathematics in the field of algebraic geometry
  • Provides a shape description scheme that is a notational systemfor the shape of objects
  • Offers a thorough and detailed discussion on the mathematicalcharacteristics and significance of the Minkowski operators

Year 2008
Pages 263
Language English
Format PDF
Size 5 MB
ISBN-10 470823070
ISBN-13 978-0470823071