In the name of Allah the Merciful

Aerospace and Associated Technology

Anup Ghosh, Kalyan Prasad Sinhamahapatra, Ratan Joarder, Sikha Hota, 9781003324539, 978-1003324539

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English | 2023 | PDF

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1 Comparative study of dampers on a G+26 storey building subjected to lateral loading
2 Dynamic modelling of porous functionally graded rotor-bearing system for different temperature distributions
3 Assessing post impact mechanical characteristics of glass fiber laminates by using beam coupons: A simplistic approach
4 Unsteady simulation of frontal cavity in supersonic flows
5  Probabilistic mixed mode stress intensity factors of single edge  cracked laminated composite plates using stochastic extended finite  element method
6 Experimental study of inflight icing conditions on coefficient of pressure distribution around NACA0012 aerofoil
7 A numerical study on the negative lift and point of non-linearity in lift curve of NACA 0012 airfoil at low Reynolds number
8 Robust flutter analysis of a sweptback wing using mu method
9 LES of shock-turbulence interaction in a bell-shaped convergent divergent nozzle
10 Analysis and control of aeroelastic performance of delaminated composite plate using AFC
11 Application of finite element direct integration method in flutter analysis
12 Influence of tab blockage on asymmetric under-expanded sonic free jet
13 Insight into the mechanism of drag reduction for a spiked blunt body
14 Mode transition in a strut-based parallel-fuel-injection scramjet-engine
15 Finite element analysis of biaxial cuboid voided slab under one way bending load
16 Experimental study on two-octave Indian flute acoustics
17 Experimental and numerical simulation for residence time distribution of deactivation tank
18  Performance analysis of circular and lemon bore hydrodynamic journal  bearing considering surface roughness and shear thinning effect
19 Third-order shear deformation theory for the low-velocity impact response of 3d braided composite plates
20 Effect of hygrothermal environment on dynamic behaviour of folded laminated composite plate
21 Quadratic Wachspress Shape functions for polygonal finite element method
22 Flow modifications & capacity augmentation in a finned tube bank by longitudinal vortex generators
23 Three-dimensional computational investigation of delta-type vortex generators in finned tube arrays
24 Investigation of flow characteristics of natural circulation valve
25 CFD investigation of geometrical truncation effect of typical winged re-entry vehicle on pressure coefficient at fads ports
26 Vibroacoustic analysis of simply supported and clamped functionally graded sandwich plates under transient loading
27 Understanding the strapon separation dynamics and aerodynamics in atmospheric phase
28  A quasi-longitudinal study of the effect of hemodynamical parameters on  the biomechanics of rupture in abdominal aortic aneurysms
29 A numerical study of integrity of Z-pinned laminates
30 Capture region of realistic true proportional navigation based on closed-form solutions
31 Based on natural frequencies, crack analysis of fixed support fibre glass composite beam
32  The effects of orientation of the square prism on the performance of  galloping based piezoelectric energy harvester: An experimental study
33 Aerodynamic study on airfoil with U-shape tubercle geometry
34 Free vibration analysis of a rotor-bearing system having corrosion defect
35 Connectivity preserving multi-spacecraft formation control for trajectory tracking with obstacle avoidance
36 Damage analysis of multi-layered composite structures
37 Design and development of a piezoelectric XY micro-displacement scanning stage
38 Design and verification of electrical power subsystem for a student small satellite “SSS-1”
39 Design of propulsion system for propeller-less UAV
40 Development of a flight simulator for low-end computers
41 Aerodynamic characterisation of a re-entry module in supersonic flow regime
42  An analytical approach to sense the presence of damage through  electro-mechanical impedance (EMI) response for a step-lap joint
43 Thermal control system design and test for APSCO SSS-1 satellite
44  Numerical analyses of re-entry module – apex cover separation  aerodynamics at low subsonic mach number for various angles of attack
45 Mixing characteristics of circular and elliptical twin jets
46 Equilibration of van der waals liquid drop with vapour in smoothed particle hydrodynamics
47 Experimental prediction of wind flow and pressure distributions around a low-rise building
48 Numerical simulation of flow over blunt body with passive control technique
49 Large-eddy simulation of a swirl-stabilized turbulent kerosene spray flame in a model combustor
50 Numerical study of the effect of shear connectors in insulated sandwich panel building system
51 Numerical study of tilted multi-storied RCC buildings on shallow foundations considering soil-structure interaction
52 Transient low velocity impact response of functionally graded rectangular plates – a finite element approach
53 Comparison of full-field solution between virtual and experimental digital image correlation for model verification
54 Effect of graphene nanoplatelets on the thermomechanical behaviour of smart polymer nanocomposites
55 Effect of carbon black content on quasi-static compression behaviour of filled rubber
56 Aerodynamics analysis of fighter aircraft in formation flight
57 Parametric study of bio-inspired corrugated airfoil geometry in a forward flight at reynolds number 80000
58 Experimental verification of stiffness behaviour of multilayer metal bellows
59 Three-dimensional PIC-MCC analysis of ion thruster grid misalignment
60 Low-velocity oblique impact response of pre-twisted sandwich conical shell with CNTRC facings
61 New response branch for undamped 2-dof viv of a diamond oscillator
62 Stably electrospraying concentrated aqueous solution with outer ionic liquid
63 Risk assessment of cerebral aneurysms using FSI
64 Structure analysis and optimisation of SSS-1 microsatellite
65 Control of an axisymmetric spinning top to a steady precession trajectories
66 LES of compressible round jet impinging on a flat isothermal plate
67 Unsteady aerodynamic force approximation for flutter prediction
68 Measuring deformation in lightweight structures with revamped DIC system: wind tunnel study
69 Robust navigation with NavIC software receiver using vector delay lock loops
70 An improved homotopy perturbation method to study damped oscillators
71 Al/epoxy adhesion strength by a modified butt joint test configuration
72 Near-wake flow structures of a rectangular wing at the onset of stall
73 Finite element modelling and monte carlo ray tracing for the solar parabolic trough collector with torque box
74 Agile turn guidance law based on deep reinforcement learning
75 APSCO SSS-1 communication system design and implementation
76 Parametric perturbation studies on the behaviour of bistable unsymmetrical laminates
77 Applicability of duffing oscillator on the dynamic analysis of bistable variable stiffness laminates
78 A homogenised crystal plasticity model for lamellar transformed β colony of titanium alloys
79 Flutter investigation of MW sized hybrid composite wind turbine blade
80 Electro-mechanical Impedance response of a delaminated glass-fibre composite beam
81 Modelling and design of hybrid reluctance actuator for fast steering mirror
82 Wake dynamics of a flexible flapping filament at low reynolds number
83 Failure mechanisms of SMA reinforced composites under impact loading
84 Numerical performance studies of a small scale horizontal axis wind turbine blade with humpback whale tubercles
85 Numerical simulation of wind-driven rain on gabled roof buildings
86 Numerical study on transient transverse jet effect of the two-dimensional slot under supersonic conditions
87 Satellite topology and continuous size optimisation based on two-level multi-point approximation method
88 Performance assessment of five hole probe flow analyser for wind tunnel calibration
89 PIC/MCC simulation of axial ring-cusp hybrid discharge in the micro ion thruster ionisation chamber
90 Numerical investigation of discharge mechanism and plasma behavior in an external discharge plasma thruster
91 Shock wave effects on Chitosan bio-polymer for drug delivery applications
92 Aerothermal predictions of high-pressure turbine flows using RANS methods
93 An improved unsteady CFD analysis of combined pitching and plunging airfoil using OpenFoam
94 Research on thrust measurement system design and intelligent thrust prediction method applied to micro-electric propulsion
95 Static and free vibration analysis of functionally graded shells using non-polynomial quasi 3-D shear deformation theory
96 Effect of oblique shocks interaction on the inlet structure in a hypersonic flow
97 Theoretical & experimental study on a miniature jet pump with low area ratio
98 RANS modelling for short and long separation bubbles in flow past low-pressure turbine cascades
99 Experimental investigation of Siphon breaker for small pipe breaks
100 Optimisation design of modified Stewart platforms for isotropic force output
101 A comparative study of recent phase-field implementations for fracture prediction in solids
102 Performance analysis of autonomous flight models based on reinforcement learning for military UAV
103  Effects of internal length scale parameter on damage initiation and  evolution using gradient enhanced damage mechanics theory
104 Numerical study of a square plan shape building with corner modifications