African Plant-Based Products as a Source of Potent Drugs to Overcome Cancers and their Chemoresistance: Part 3. Potential Pharmaceuticals to Overcome Cancers and their Chemoresistance offers detailed information on the best cytotoxic phytoconstituents of African medicinal plants that could be useful for the development of efficient pharmaceuticals that could be further explored to efficiently overcome cancers and their drug resistance. The book identifies and comments on the various classes of cytotoxic African secondary metabolites. The book also clearly identifies and comments on the best cytotoxic molecules identified in African medicinal plants. The book appears an amazing tool for Scientists to have state-of-the-art of the best cytotoxic phytoconstituents from the African flora, and to boost their clinical investigations.
- Identifies the groups and classes of cytotoxic agents from African plants
- A unique tool pooling together the best of African phytoconstituents with amazing potential toward various cancer cell lines, including the multidrug-resistant phenotypes
- Discusses the various biosynthetic pathways of the classes of cytotoxic agents from African plants