In the name of Allah the Merciful

An Introduction to Sociolinguistics

7th Edition, Ronald Wardhaugh, 1118732294, 9781118732298, 978-1118732298, B0182PSG0U, B013ILD1F8

10 $

English | 2015 | Original PDF l 8 MB l 451 Pages

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Thoroughly updated and revised, An Introduction to Sociolinguistics, 7th Edition presents a comprehensive and fully updated introduction to the study of the relationship between language and society.

Building  on Ronald Wardhaugh’s classic text, co-author Janet Fuller has updated  this seventh edition throughout with new discussions exploring language  and communities, language and interaction, and sociolinguistic  variation, as well as incorporating numerous new exercises and research  ideas for today’s students. Taking account of new research from the  field, the book explores exciting new perspectives drawn from linguistic  anthropology, and includes new chapters on pragmatics, discourse  analysis, and sociolinguistics and education. With an emphasis on using  examples from languages and cultures around the world, chapters address  topics including social and regional dialects, multilingualism,  discourse and pragmatics, variation, language in education, and language  policy and planning.

 A new companion website including  a wealth of additional online material, as well as a glossary and a  variety of new exercises and examples, helps further illuminate the  ideas presented in the text. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics, 7th Edition continues to be the most indispensable and accessible introduction to  the field of sociolinguistics for students in applied and theoretical  linguistics, education, and anthropology.