In the name of Allah the Merciful

Are You an Illusion?

Mary Midgley, 1032533684, 1000966917, 1138171344, 9781032533681, 9781000966916, 9781138171343, 9781844657926, 9781315661803, 978-1032533681, 978-1000966916, 978-1138171343, 978-1844657926, 978-1315661803, B0CDJCQX6Z

10 $

English | 2023 | Original PDF l 3 MB l 189 Pages

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In an impassioned defence of the importance of our own  thoughts, feelings and experiences, the renowned philosopher Mary  Midgley shows that there’s much more to our selves than a jumble of  brain cells. Exploring the remarkable gap that has opened up between our  understanding of our sense of self and today’s science, Midgley argues  powerfully and persuasively that the rich variety of our imaginative  life cannot be contained in the narrow bounds of a highly puritanical  materialism that simply equates brain and self.

Engaging  with the work of prominent thinkers, Midgley investigates the source of  our current attitudes to the self and reveals how ideas, traditions and  myths have been twisted to fit in, seemingly naturally, with science’s  current preoccupation with the physical and material. Midgley shows that  the subjective sources of thought – our own experiences – are every bit  as necessary in helping to explain the world as the objective ones such  as brain cells.

Are You an Illusion? offers a salutary analysis of science’s claim to have done away with  the self and a characteristic injection of common sense from one of our  most respected philosophers into a debate increasingly in need of it.