In the name of Allah the Merciful

Basics for Numerical and Symbolic Computation

Jovan Pehcevski, 177469445X, 978-1774694459, 9781774694459

10 $

English | 2023 | Original PDF l 80 MB l 454 Pages

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This  book covers topics from numerical and symbolic computing, including the  main numerical and symbolic methods, schemes and applications. Section 1  focuses on numerical computing methods, describing matrix differential  equations for solving systems of linear algebraic equations, a numerical  problem encryption for high-performance computing applications, a  numerical verification method of solutions for elliptic variational  inequalities, a trigonometric numerical integrator for solving first  order ordinary differential equation, and augmented Lagrangian methods  for numerical solutions to higher order differential equations. Section 2  focuses on symbolic computing methods, describing a learning network  assisted by means of symbolic computation, multiple factorial analysis  of symbolic data, combining symbolic tools with interval analysis, and  application to solve robust control problems, symbolic and graphical  computations of a class of slightly perturbed equations. Section 3  focuses on numerical computing applications, describing non-negativity  preserving numerical algorithms for problems in mathematical finance, a  continuum approach using numerical simulations of microscale gas flows,  numerical methods in electro-cardiology, numerical simulation of the  blood flow through a brain vascular aneurysm with an artificial stent  using the SPH method, and numerical modeling of soil water flow and  nitrogen dynamics in a tomato field irrigated with municipal wastewater.  Section 4 focuses on symbolic computing applications, describing  symbolic time series analysis and its application in social sciences,  application of symbolic computation in nonlinear differential-difference  equations, symbolic modelling of dynamic human motions, and a framework  for bridging the gap between symbolic and non-symbolic AI.