As the field of sport management continues to expand and grow, the prevalence of litigation in sport is increasing. Sport management professionals must maintain a current understanding of sport law as the field evolves and lawsuits become a greater risk.
Case Studies in Sport Law, Third Edition, presents students with specific examples and perspectives of some of the most significant cases in sport law. Written in an accessible tone free of legal jargon, the authors introduce a comprehensive list of sport law cases to provide a student in any discipline both clarity and context for legal issues commonly encountered in sport management and sport law settings. The broad approach makes this text an ideal supplement for sport law courses or a stand-alone reference book, addressing the most prevalent legal issues sport professionals will encounter in their careers.
This third edition adds seven new case studies to reflect modern, prominent issues in the field, for a total of 93 case studies, all carefully curated to provide real-life applications representing many of the multifaceted aspects of sport law. The cases provide insight into the most prominent topics in sport law, including sexual harassment, hostile work environment, employment discrimination, negligence, risk management, antitrust law, arbitration, collective bargaining, trademark registration, free speech, and gambling.
Introductory information in each chapter discusses the type of law that will be examined in the case studies. Court cases are presented in an approachable and abridged format, promoting understanding without being hampered by legal verbiage. Each case study ends with review questions to test student comprehension and prompt in-class discussion.
Case Studies in Sport Law, Third Edition, will develop understanding of the basics of sport law by examining real-world cases and their impact on the sport industry.