In the name of Allah the Merciful

Classroom Assessment: Principles and Practice that Enhance Student Learning and Motivation

James H. McMillan, 9780137849147, 978-0137849147, 0-13-784914-1, 978-0-13-784914-7, B0BXDF9QGK

15 $

English | 2024 | PDF | 15 MB | 593 Pages

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Classroom Assessment presents classroom  assessment principles in a non-technical, engaging way where you learn  and practice skills as you read. It draws on new research and  technologies to show how to effectively use classroom assessment to  improve student learning and motivation. Practical examples, suggestions  and case studies demonstrate real-world strategies and techniques.

The  8th Edition integrates equity and cultural relevance in every chapter,  with more coverage of sociocognitive and sociocultural tenets of  learning and motivation as well as responsive assessment practices. New  vignettes, written by K through 12 National Board-Certified teachers,  show first-hand how to apply effective assessment to real classroom  situations.