In the name of Allah the Merciful

Current Perspectives and New Directions in Mechanics, Modelling and Design of Structural Systems

Alphose Zingoni, 9781003348443, 978-1003348443

10 $

English | 2022 | PDF

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Current Perspectives and New Directions in Mechanics, Modelling and  Design of Structural Systems comprises 330 papers that were presented at  the Eighth International Conference on Structural Engineering,  Mechanics and Computation (SEMC 2022, Cape Town, South Africa, 5-7  September 2022).

The topics featured may be clustered into six  broad categories that span the themes of mechanics, modelling and  engineering design
(i) mechanics of materials (elasticity,  plasticity, porous media, fracture, fatigue, damage, delamination,  viscosity, creep, shrinkage, etc);
(ii) mechanics of structures  (dynamics, vibration, seismic response, soil-structure interaction,  fluid-structure interaction, response to blast and impact, response to  fire, structural stability, buckling, collapse behaviour);
(iii)  numerical modelling and experimental testing (numerical methods,  simulation techniques, multi-scale modelling, computational modelling,  laboratory testing, field testing, experimental measurements);
(iv) design in traditional engineering materials (steel, concrete, steel-concrete composite, aluminium, masonry, timber);
(v)  innovative concepts, sustainable engineering and special structures  (nanostructures, adaptive structures, smart structures, composite  structures, glass structures, bio-inspired structures, shells,  membranes, space structures, lightweight structures, etc);
(vi) the  engineering process and life-cycle considerations (conceptualisation,  planning, analysis, design, optimization, construction, assembly,  manufacture, maintenance, monitoring, assessment, repair, strengthening,  retrofitting, decommissioning).

Two versions of the papers are  available: full papers of length 6 pages are included in the e-book,  while short papers of length 2 pages, intended to be concise but  self-contained summaries of the full papers, are in the printed book.  This work will be of interest to civil, structural, mechanical, marine  and aerospace engineers, as well as planners and architects.