In the name of Allah the Merciful

Differential Equation Based Solutions for Emerging Real-Time Problems

Papiya Debnath, Biswajit Sarkar, Manash Chanda, B0CKFLFZ9S, 1032131381, 9781032131382, 978-1-032-13138-2, 978-1032131382, 978-1-003-22784-7, 9781003227847, 978-1003227847, 978-1-032-13139-9, 978-1032131399, 9781032131399

15 $

English | 2024 | PDF | 11 MB | 313 Pages

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Modeling with differential equations is an effective tool to provide methodical and quantitative solutions to real-world phenomena including investigating measurable features, consolidation and processing of data, and designing and developing complex engineering systems. This book describes differential equations correlation with qualitative and quantitative analysis, and mathematical modeling in the engineering and applied sciences. Given equations are explained from multidimensional characterizations with MATLAB® codes.


  • Addresses differential equation-based approaches to solve varied engineering problems
  • Discusses derivation and solution of major equations of engineering and applied science
  • Reviews qualitative and quantitative (numerical) analysis and mathematical modelling
  • Includes mathematical models of the discussed problems
  • Discusses MATLAB® codes

Features: code and online materials related to the differential equations.

This book is aimed at researchers graduate students in electrical and electronics engineering, control systems, electron devices society, applied physics, and engineering design.