In the name of Allah the Merciful

Electrodynamics Tutorials with Python Simulations

Taejoon Kouh; Minjoon Kouh, B0D49SWQXW, 1032502312, 103249803X, 1040009344, 9781032498034, 9781040009345, 9781032502311, 9781003397496, 9781040009314, 978-1032498034, 978-1040009345, 978-1032502311, 978-1003397496, 978-1040009314

10 $

English | 2024 | Original PDF | 36 MB | 295 Pages

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This  book provides an accessible introduction to intermediate-level  electrodynamics with computa- tional approaches to complement a  traditional mathematical treatment of the subject. It covers key topics  in electrodynamics, such as electromagnetic fields, forces, potentials,  and waves as well as Special Theory of Relativity.

Through  intuition-building examples and visualizations in the Python  programming language, it helps readers to develop technical computing  skills in numerical and symbolic calculations, modeling and simulations,  and visualizations. Python is a highly readable and practical  programming language, making this book appropriate for students without  extensive programming experience.

This book can serve  as an electrodynamics textbook for undergraduate physics and  engineering students in their second or third years, who are studying  intermediate- or advanced-level electrodynamics and who want to learn  techniques for scientific computing at the same time. This book will  also appeal to computer science students who want to see how their  computer programming skills may be applied to science, particularly to  physics, without needing too much background physics knowledge.

Key features

  • Major concepts in classical electrodynamics are introduced cohesively through computational and mathematical treatments
  • Computational  examples in Python programming language guide students on how to  simulate and visualize electrodynamic principles and phenomena for  themselves