In the name of Allah the Merciful

English-Swahili Swahili-English Immersive Dictionar

Fidèle Mpiranya, B0BX9M1J47, 1032273747, 100092226X, 1032273739, 9781032273730, 9781032273747, 9781003292432, 9781000922264, 978-1032273730, 978-1032273747, 978-1003292432, 978-1000922264

15 $

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Organized in an English-Swahili section  and a Swahili-English section, English-Swahili Swahili-English Immersive  Dictionary is a comprehensive presentation of Swahili usual lexicon.

In both sections, entries are presented  in clusters, based on the connections between the words of the target  language (Swahili) in terms of meaning or origin. This meaning-driven  presentation allows target language terms that are relatively similar in  meaning, and therefore easily confused, as well as terms derived from  the same base, to appear together in parallel contrastive lines. This  creates an immersion effect that is particularly stimulating for  language learning, since the user gets the opportunity to discover the  words of the learned language group-by-group, rather than one-by-one,  and is constantly reminded of subtle differences between different  terms. It will help the learner master the vocabulary at a faster pace  and with a better understanding of the rules that shape the lexicon of  the target language. In addition, the introduction to the dictionary  presents key grammatical points of Swahili that will help the reader  make a productive use of information provided in the body of the  dictionary. Additional grammatical information about the target language  words such as the agreement pattern, the register of speech, or the  level of use, is also provided in both sections to make it immediately  accessible to the non-native user.

The book is ideal for English-speaking learners of Swahili.