In the name of Allah the Merciful

Evolutionary Psychology: The Basics

Will Reader, Lance Workman, 9780367223434, 9780367223441, 9780429274428, 978-0367223434, 978-0367223441, 978-0429274428

10 $

English | 2023 | PDF

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Evolutionary Psychology: The Basics is a jargon-free and accessible  introduction to evolutionary psychology, which examines behaviour,  thoughts, and emotions in relation to evolutionary theory.

Reader  and Workman outline how evolutionary thinking can enhance the core  areas of psychology: social, developmental, biological, cognitive, and  individual differences/abnormal psychology. Covering topics such as  genetics and natural selection, mate choice, culture, morality, mental  health, and childhood, among others, the book integrates psychology into  the biological sciences and explains the different approaches in the  field by evaluating current and past evolutionary research and theory.  Key studies and theories are explored in an accessible way, with the  work of key evolutionary and behavioural scientists from Darwin to  Dawkins examined and explained.

Including a glossary and further  reading, this is the essential introduction to evolutionary psychology  for students of psychology and related areas, and academics and  researchers, as well as anyone interested in learning more about this  fascinating field.