In the name of Allah the Merciful

Forensic Chemistry 3rd Edition

Suzanne Bell, B09VPS143G, 1138339849, 042980444X, 978-1138339842, 9781138339842, 978-0429804441, 9780429804441

15 $

English | 2022 | PDF | 90 MB | 669 Pages

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Forensic Chemistry, Third Edition, thenew edition of this  ground-breaking book, continues to serve as the leading forensic  chemistry text on the market. Fully updated, this edition describes the  latest advances in current forensic chemistry analysis and practice. New  and expanded coverage includes rapid advances in forensic mass  spectrometry, NMR, and novel psychoactive substances (NPSs). Topics  related to seized drug analysis, toxicology, combustion and fire  investigation, explosives, and firearms discharge residue are described  and illustrated with case studies. The role of statistics, quality  assurance/quality control, uncertainty, and metrology are integrated  into all topics. More pharmacological and toxicokinetic calculations are  presented and discussed. Hundreds of color figures, along with graphs,  illustrations, worked example problems, and case descriptions are used  to show how analytical chemistry is applied to forensic practice. Topics  covered offer students insight into the legal context in which forensic  chemistry is conducted and introduces them to the sample types and  sample matrices encountered in forensic laboratories.