In the name of Allah the Merciful


Karam Kostner, Gerhard M. Kostner, Peter P. Toth, B0BS3B2H7Q, 3031245776, 3031245741, 9783031245749, 9783031245770, 978-3031245749, 978-3031245770

15 $

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Lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] is a unique lipoprotein that has emerged  as an independent risk factor for cardiovascular vascular disease. Data  from case control, epigenetic and mendelian randomization studies  indicate that people with elevated Lp(a) have a two-fold to four-fold  increased risk of cardiovascular events compared to people with low  Lp(a) levels. Despite this risk, awareness of Lp(a) is still very low  among health care providers. Even cardiologists often overlook Lp(a), in  part because Lp(a) is not as well-understood as other risk factors and  treatment options are still very limited. 

This  book offers an authoritative and comprehensive overview of  Lipoprotein(a). It provides an in-depth review of all aspects of Lp(a),  from pathophysiology to metabolism. Chapters offer the reader a  contemporary view of the important roles of Lp(a) as a risk factor for  cardiovascular disease. In addition, this volume discusses the clinical  implications of elevated Lp(a) and current and future therapies. Lipoprotein(a) is an essential resource for physicians, medical students, residents,  fellows, and allied health professionals in lipidology, cardiology,  endocrinology, pharmacotherapy, and health promotion and disease  prevention.