In the name of Allah the Merciful

Managing Infectious Diseases in Child Care and Schools: A Quick Reference Guide Sixth Edition

Timothy R. Shope, Andrew N. Hashikawa, 1610026594, 978-1-61002-659-8, 9781610026598, 978-1610026598, 978-1-61002-660-4, 978-1610026604, 9781610026604

15 $

English | 2023 | PDF | 22 MB | 289 Pages

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This guide provides child care directors, teachers, and caregivers with essential information on infectious diseases in group care settings. It includes a robust section of more than 55 quick reference fact sheets on common infectious diseases and symptoms. Additionally, it includes forms that can be photocopied and used with families. As always, the reference is easy to use, providing clear, authoritative information on infectious diseases.