Triumph over tough equations and get top scores on the SAT Math section!
If you're struggling with SAT math, you can rest easy--the revised and updated edition of McGraw-Hill's Conquering SAT Math is here. Written by expert math instructors, this updated guide is packed with drills, exercises, and sample questions, as well as full coverage of SAT multiple-choice and constructed-response math problems. For each math topic, you get solved problems of gradually increasing difficulty, plus exercises with math problems in SAT format.
McGraw-Hill's Conquering SAT Math includes:
• 5 full-length practice SAT Math Tests
• Complete review of all mathematics topics tested on the SAT
• Strategies for answering the challenging multiple-choice questions
• Guidance for the appropriate use of a calculator to answer questions
• Drills and exercises to build your mathematics problem-solving skills
• 4 sample SAT Math sections with complete explanations of every question