In the name of Allah the Merciful

Milstead's Health Policy & Politics: A Nurse's Guide 7th Edition

Nancy M. Short, B09BRY34T5, 1284238725, 1284228517, 9781284228519, 9781284238723, 9781284238730, 9781284238747, 9781284228526, 978-1284228519, 978-1284238723, 978-1284238730, 978-1284238747, 978-1284228526

20 $

English | 2022 | EPUB, Converted PDF | 40 MB

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Milstead's Health Policy & Politics:  A Nurse's Guide, Seventh Edition is focused on policymaking and the  impact it has on nursing and healthcare. This text is an excellent  resource for nursing students as it encompasses the entire health policy  process from agenda setting through policy and program evaluation. It  also explores the impact of social media, economics, finance and other  timely topics on policymaking as well. Additionally, the authors draw  from their extensive experience and provide concrete examples of  real-life situations that help students understand the link between  nursing, policy theory and political action. New to the Seventh Edition  News Literacy chapter uncovers biases nurses will experience on the job  and mitigation strategies The impact of Twitter’s influence on health  policy and politics Discussion of structural racism and concept of power  COVID-19 and the impact on health policy Expanded coverage of  healthcare payment programs including the Quality Payment Program  Updated coverage of the direction of the U.S. health care system and  health policy New exemplars spotlight nurses around the world,  globalization and global health policy


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