In the name of Allah the Merciful

Nutri-Cereals: Nutraceutical and Techno-Functional Potential

Rajan Sharma, Vikas Nanda, Savita Sharma, B0CB4WD3VR, 1032135840, 9781032135847, 978-1-032-13584-7, 978-1032135847, 978-1-032-16984-2, 978-1032169842, 978-1-003-25127-9, 9781003251279, 978-1003251279

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The term "Nutri-Cereals" has been dedicated to ten cereals due to their unique nutritional benefits. Nutri-Cereals: Nutraceutical and Techno-Functional Potential covers these cereal grains, with each chapter focusing on nutrient composition and bioactive characterization followed by associated bio-functional properties and health benefits. Further, it covers techno-functionality of nutri-cereals including rheological properties, emulsification and foaming potential, gelation behavior, color profile and others which dictate the suitability of cereals in finished products.

Key Features:

  • Covers diverse biological and functional features of nutri-cereals to dictate their potential as functional ingredients in value-added products
  • Discusses the nutraceutical potential of ten cereals: sorghum, pearl millet, finger millet, foxtail millet, barnyard millet, kodo millet, little millet, proso millet, black wheat and Amaranthus
  • Explains how these grains are ideal ingredients for gluten free food formulations with enhanced bio- and techno-functional characteristics

Although many of the nutri-cereals have been known for thousands of years, due to their coarse nature and lack of processing they escaped the human diet. Now, thanks to their excellent agro-economic potential and numerous health benefits, they are once again recognized as functional ingredients. Recently, earmarked investment and funding have been observed for valorization of these crops and thus, this book will help academicians to strengthen future investigations.