In the name of Allah the Merciful

SCAI Interventional Cardiology Review 4th Edition

Morton J. Kern, Arnold H. Seto, B0DHV6DKTC, 1975212614, 1975212630, 9781975212636, 9781975212612, 978-1975212636, 978-1975212612

10 $

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Keep  current with recent changes in the field and prepare for certification  or recertification with SCAI Interventional Cardiology Review, Fourth  Edition.  Edited by Drs. Morton J. Kern and Arnold H. Seto, and written  by global  experts who are Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and  Interventions (SCAI) members and leaders, coverage includes all topics  on the interventional cardiology board exam and revised information  throughout. 

  •  Summarizes a wide breadth of material in one convenient  volume—from basic to clinical science—giving you an efficient,  all-in-one resource for study and review
  •  Discusses the most  important aspects of a specific topic, including numerous illustrations  and tables, followed by updated references
  •  Contains new and expanded content  on secondary prevention: lipid management, SGLT inhibition, outcome  data OCT, new approaches to OCT-IVUS, OCT-FFR, vascular access and  hemostasis, PCI guidelines, new physiologic metrics and outcomes, and  more