In the name of Allah the Merciful

Technical Drawing with Engineering Graphics

16th Edition, Frederick E. Giesecke; Shawna Lockhart; Marla Goodman; Cindy M. Johnson, 2022950831, 0138065721, 0138187525, 0138065632, 9780138065638, 9780138065720, 978-0138065638, 978-0138065720, 978-0138187521, 9780138187521

20 $

English | 2023 | EPUB, Converted PDF | 550 MB

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This full-color text offers a clear, complete introduction and detailed  reference for creating 3D models and 2D documentation drawings. Building  on its reputation as a trusted reference, this edition expands on the  role that 3D CAD databases now play in design and documentation.  Superbly integrated illustrations, text, step-by-step instructions, and  navigation make it easier than ever to master key skills and knowledge.  Throughout, the authors demonstrate 3D and 2D drawing skills and CAD  usage in real-world work practice in today's leading disciplines. They  combine strong technical detail, real-world examples, and current  standards, materials, industries, and processes-all in a format that is  efficient, colorful, and visual.

Splash Spread: Appealing chapter opener provides context and motivation.
References and Web Links: Useful weblinks and standards provided upfront in each chapter.
Understanding  Section: Foundational introductions, tabbed for easy navigation,  outline each topic's importance, use, visualization tips, and theory.
Detail  Section: Detailed, well-tested explanations of drawing techniques,  variations, and examples-organized into quick-read sections, numbered  for easy reference.
CAD at Work Section: Breakout pages offer tips on generating drawings from 2D or 3D models.
Portfolio Section: Examples of finished drawings show how techniques are applied in the real world.
Key Words: Italicized on first reference, summarized after each chapter.
Chapter: Summaries and Review Questions: Efficiently reinforce learning.
Exercises:  Outstanding problem sets with updated exercises, including parts,  assembly drawings from CAD models, sketching problems, and orthographic  projections.