In the name of Allah the Merciful

The Labour Ward Handbook 3rd Edition

Leroy Edozien, B0C9XGRJYC, 2023000361, 2023000362, 1138296635, 1138296643, 978-1-138-29664-0, 9781138296640, 978-1138296640, 978-1-138-29663-3, 9781138296633, 978-1138296633, 978-1-315-09989-7, 9781315099897, 978-1315099897

15 $
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This succinct manual provides detailed clinical practice guidelines for the care of women in labour, this is designed to be a ready guide for use in the delivery suite by the busy clinician. The third edition has been updated to include new developments in clinical practice and governance and new guidelines. So far as is possible, the differences in care scenarios internationally have been addressed to provide a reliable guide to safe delivery.

Key Features

  • Provides detailed clinical practice guidelines for the care of women in labour
  • Offers a ready guide for use in the delivery suite by the busy obstetric clinician and all members of the team
  • Focuses on the clinical relevance of the problem points arising.