In the name of Allah the Merciful

The Moving Form of Film: Historicising the Medium through Other Media

Lúcia Nagib, Stefan Solomon, 0197621716, 0197621708, 0197621732, 978-0197621738, 9780197621738, 978-0197621714, 9780197621714, 978-0197621707, 9780197621707, B0C2D7D8VT

10 $

English | 2023 | EPUB, Converted PDF

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The Moving Form of Film: Historicizing the Medium through Other Media charts the ways in which crossing borders between film and other arts  and media can provide an encompassing, inclusive, and non-teleological  understanding of film history. Evolutionary narratives of cinema have  traditionally adopted the Second World War as a watershed that separates  'classical' Hollywood films from 'modern' European productions, a  scheme that subjects the entire world to the cinematic history of two  hegemonic centres. In turn, histories of film as a technological medium  have focused on the specificity of cinema as it gradually separated from  the other art and medial forms - theatre, dance, fairground spectacle,  painting, literature, still photography and other pre-cinematic modes.

Taking  an ambitious step forward with relation to these approaches, this book  focuses on the fluid quality of the film form by exploring an array of  exciting and often neglected artistic expressions worldwide as they  compare and interconnect films across temporal, geographical, and  cultural borders. By observing the ebb and flow of film's contours  within the bounds of other artistic and medial expressions, the chapters  aspire to establish a flexible historical platform for the moving form  of film, posited, from production to consumption, as a transforming and  transformative medium.