In the name of Allah the Merciful

Visualizing Surveys in R

by Teppo Valtonen, B0CNJ3GDQF, 1032246995, 1003805930, 9781003805939, 9781032246994, 978-1003805939, 978-1032246994

10 $

English | 2024 | Original PDF | 160 MB | 327 Pages

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Visualizing Surveys in R is about creating static, print quality figures from survey data using  R. The focus is not, for example, on statistical analysis of survey  data, but rather on giving concrete solutions for typical problems in  visualizing survey data. While there are many excellent books on data  visualization, surveys and R, the aim of this book is to bring these  topics together, and offer practical instructions for visualizing  surveys in R.


  • Introduction to survey data: variables, categories, and scales
  • Description of a process for visualizing survey data
  • Recommendations for reading survey data into R
  • Advice on building a survey dataset in R to facilitate versatile plotting
  • Step-by-step recipes in R for creating useful plots from survey data

The  book is intended for researchers who regularly use surveys and are  interested in learning how to seize the vast possibilities and the  flexibility of R in survey analysis and visualizations. The book is also  valuable for psychologists, marketeers, HR personnel, managers, and  other professionals who wish to standardize and automate the process for  visualizing survey data. Finally, the book is suitable as a course  textbook, either more widely on survey studies, or more strictly on  visualizing survey data in R.