In the name of Allah the Merciful

Young Children’s Social Emotional Learning: The COPE-Resilience Program

Erica Frydenberg, Janice Deans, Rachel Liang, 9780367895884, 9780367895891, 9781003019961, 978-0367895884, 978-0367895891, 978-1003019961

20 $

English | 2022 | PDF

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Young Children's Social Emotional Learning: The COPE-Resilience Program  is a manual that is designed to support early childhood educators in the  delivery of the COPE Resilience (COPE-R) program, an evidence-based  program designed to teach empathy, resilience and prosocial skills to  children.
Grounded in extensive research and experience in psychology  and early childhood, the program is built on a series of activities  that help children develop their capacity for emotional understanding,  caring for others, open communication, polite and respectful behaviours,  and empathic sharing. The manual includes

Theoretical concepts  underpinning COPE-R such as self-regulation, emotional intelligence,  positive psychology, coping, resilience, and wellbeing in early  childhood education.
A "How-To" section to guide readers in the implementation of COPE-R.
Over 40 activities templates (including examples of teacher’s adaptations) with easy to navigate icon legends.
Facilitator notes and considerations for working with younger children and children of diverse backgrounds.
Teaching  tips for each of the topic areas and a feature piece on the insights  from an early childhood teacher who is experienced in implementing  COPE-R.
Supplementary materials, including a set of situation and coping images.
Each  activity includes directions for children as well as guidelines for  educators, and is designed to be used flexibly in various early learning  contexts, enabling educators to select activities that best suit their  setting.